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Doaa Dashoush Working Mom

Getting back to work when you’re a new mom isn’t necessarily going to be simple. You’re still getting used to being a mother and your mind is likely very focused on that. You want to be able to do a great job as both a parent and a professional but you might not be sure how to approach things. Examine the following pitfalls that you need to avoid as a new working mom so that you can have the best experience.

Trying to Do Too Much

Many new moms who go back to work quickly wind up trying to do too much and getting burnt out. If you have to spend a lot of time taking care of your baby, then that is going to take a lot of energy. Combine that with work responsibilities and you can see why it’s so easy to get frazzled. Understand your limits and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Taking Work Frustrations Home with You

Being a new mom doesn’t prevent work frustrations from being an issue in your life. There will be days when your job will be stressful and you’ll be mad about certain things. Taking that energy home with you isn’t good and it can make parenting even tougher. Do your best to leave work issues and frustrations at the door so that you can focus on being a mom.

Not Having Enough Time for the Kids

Not having enough time for the kids is rough and this can make you feel as if you aren’t doing your job as a mom. Whether you only have an infant or you have multiple kids, it’s important to spend time with them. You can’t let your career overshadow your responsibilities as a mother. It’s really about finding the most comfortable work-life balance that you can.

Not Knowing How to Have Fun

Focusing on work all the time can also prevent some moms from being able to have fun. Your time spent with your kids should be fun and you need to build lasting memories. Don’t let yourself get so stuck on work matters that you forget to have fun and enjoy life. It’s good to have a strong work ethic but other things matter in life too.