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After the influence of rock in the 70s, rap and EDM music began ushering in modern trends that persist today.

Rap in the 1980s

While the styles of punk and glam rock were being celebrated during the 1970s, another new music movement was being created in New York City: rap. This type of music was able to influence both the fashion and music industries during the 1980s. Since its birth, this type of music has been known for uplifting and uplifting marginalized groups. Most of the artists who created this type of music were minorities.

During this period, the rise of streetwear was also significant. Unlike the styles of punk and glam rock, which were often curated and sold to the highest level, rappers were known for dressing to represent their communities. One of the first major influences of this type of music was Run-DMC.

The members of Run-DMC were known for their unique and rebellious looks, which included wearing Adidas tracksuits and gold chains. They were also able to get involved in a sponsorship deal with the company. This collaboration was the first time that a major corporation was supporting a new music genre.

Despite the brief existence of electronic dance music (EDM) and rave music in fashion during the 2000s, rap has been one of the most influential music genres in the industry today. In 2011, LA-based rap group Odd Future released their second album, which was widely regarded as a representative of the counter-cultures of hip hop, surf, and skateboarding. Their sound was loud and freeform, and it was able to make a distinct and authentic statement.

Unlike the gold chains that rappers were wearing during the 80s and 90s, Run-DMC’s style differed. Instead of being associated with high-end labels, they created a full-scale streetwear movement by wearing items such as bucket hats and ripped-up Vans.

After realizing the link between music and fashion, Tyler, the Creator of Odd Future, created his own fashion label called Golf Wang.

Despite the various changes that have occurred in the world over the years, one constant is the music that has had the most lasting influence on fashion. In 2019, a survey was conducted by Strategy& and Hypebeast, where almost 40,000 people were asked about their thoughts on the effects of streetwear on their looks.

The survey results revealed that music from the past century has greatly influenced the way people think about their looks. For instance, if you’re planning on going out, think about how much influence music has had on your outfit.